BATCO continues to be one of the few companies that is willing to work with foreign customers in their shipping and equipment needs. BATCO as certainly worked with many foreign customers over the years but over time we have gotten to be very good at it finding ways to get clients equipment that they need. This is been a feature BATCO for several years but in the last year is become even more important aspect of their sales because of our ability. I'm not saying it's cheap, sitting overseas is never the least expensive option but when they can't get what they want, or need something that's very specific we can provide it and we can get it to them through several channels of shipping.. We can ship port to port ocean or air, postal, common carrier, or even freight at times. Whatever is the best for the client always making sure that he gets there safely and is able to be collected and used as they expect.
Foreign shipping is just 1 of the aspects the BATCO gives an let's just be 1 of the leaders in sales for equipment and the complete (EVERYTHING IS YOU NEED) equipment provisions for facilities, schools, organizations, and the individual. Please know that BATCO can and will take care of foreign sales.
reviews of BATCO, BATCO customers comments, BATCO service, BATCO products
BATCO has some great buy on new items that were return, refused or failed to pick up. List of the include --- #21 NYLON BATTING CAGES-- 6X12 STANCE MATS -- BIG BUBBA PUSH POLES -- ZOOKA 720 (big one) PITCHING MACHINE -- 32 OZ ROYAL BLUE FIELD TARPS (both round and square)
These are on of a kind items and will be sold at a great discount but there are only one of each.

the national coaches show is coming up January 4 through 7th, and I would certainly like to invite anybody and everybody to come by and visit the booth, number 543, were going to set up our new BATCO home plate cage and have our displays underneath it showing you how it will work.
This new BATCO home plate cage is been out for a couple years now and is starting to show coaches the value of its use and its ease-of-use and we hope that the ABCA convention will be a grand display.
Please check it out on YouTube -- it gives you a super view and understanding of the cage.

BATCO's had a new batting cage out there for little over a year now with excellent success and wanted to make sure everybody is aware of it and its functionality. Were actually going to take one to the ABCA national coaches show in January in Indianapolis and set it up over our space to show the reality of how and what this cage can do.It is turned out to be an excellent cage from high school all the way through college.
if you would take a look at this YouTube link you'll see and hear how functional it is, it be worth the minute of your time:
Simms TX High School BB team at practice
We at BATCO have been working for the last two years to create a batting cage that's easy to use, durable, and stable for on the field hitting. So that any team from youth,'s girls softball, baseball, even college teams could use.. We believe we've come up with that product and have field-tested it extensively from the college level to the youth
Please take a look at this YouTube link to see it in action and get full description. We have this cage and use from Florida to California with high schools all of which think it's exceptional because of its ease-of-use. A note of recommendation here softball teams like it especially because it goes on there feels through normal pass gate and girls can handle it, putting it any place on the field they like.
I would invite you to take a look at the YouTube
and think about it fitting your needs.
then you can see the full description on the website -

Simms TX baseball with the BATCO Home Plate Cage
Coach Arnald Swift BATCO
BATCO would like to announce their holding a summer sale for June and July with a 10% discount off of everything except iron Mike's pitching machines, on the website. All you have to do is go to the website and enter the code SUMM10 to get your 10% discount.. We certainly appreciate any and all customers.. As always we have a special going on with clearance stance mats $260 complete check those out.
once again I would like to introduce and promote the BATCO home plate cage.. This cage is proving to be quite popular, especially with the softball teams. We have sold several of them recently to softball teams for the specific reason that girls can handle it, iit can going on and off the field through a normal gate.
I couldn't say any better than the coach down in Florida set it when he wrote me --" this cages been the best thing we ever bought, not one ball is left the playing field into the parking lot or the road and my girls can open and close it in less than two minutes now.. We distort up against the fence until game time. It's always there during practice"
I would like to think that coach and several others from the college level down the high school that have begun using this cage and certainly enjoyed it because it is durable does what it says and easy to use..
If you would take a look at it in action on YouTube at ---
this is a high school in Colorado it's had this cage for two years now.
Please take a look and give BATCO a call it will be worth your time if you're looking for a cage to use on the field that's easy to set up and use, put away, and move around.
Coach Arnald Swift BATCO
Video worth a 1000 words.
link at - then check out being used on YouTube ---
We are very proud of the cage for it easy of use, durability, and high versatility. We have been developing this for the past two years to give coaches a on field batting cage that can be used easily and quickly by any age player.
One of the many uses is highlighted by the junior-college softball team in Missouri that got it because it was able to close up and be able to move in and onto the field through a normal gate, and with softball players doing the work. I would like to quote the coach " we purchase the cage because it was perfect for our situation as a big hitting turtle could not fit through the small gate we have for our fence".
This cage is now in full production and ready for coaches and players to use. It's a new cage but it's all the old problem.
We at BATCO ( would like to show you a new home plate batting cage that can be set up in 2 minutes and put away in 2 minutes, can be placed any where on the field, finally store upright in less than 1 foot thick area.
We have tested this and used it at local high school, recreation district, and the University of Notre Dame with great results. We believe that it is a solution to you on field or field house cage needs. Easy, quick, durable, versatile all the criteria that you are looking for in an on field batting cage.
Plus see other videos on Ytube: