BATCO News and Information

Denver facilities BATCO equipped July 31 2023, 0 Comments

As always BATCO likes to complement to show off facilities that we've helped with.  there are 2 new ones in Denver area that we've helped with, with cages, turf, and equipment there super facilities and worth checking out.   in Westminster GAP-2-GAP and in  Littleton  Hit Streak.

Check out these pictures worth visiting and getting in some work.

 Coach Arnald Swift BATCO

Hit Streak Facility in Littleton Colorado.

GAP-2-GAP in Westminster Colorado  -- GOOD ONES FOR SURE

Metro State University in Denver December 29 2022, 0 Comments

BATCO was happy to partner with RMT (Rocky Mountain Turf) of Colorado in remodeling the BB --- SB -- Soccer fields in Denver.  BATCO was responsible for all the barrier netting and pad in the project.  It came out on time and looks extraordinary.  Check out the pictures or go by and see it.

Coach Arnald Swift BATCO

  Soccer Field at Metro Back Stop netting

ABCA and Conventions December 20 2021, 0 Comments

Coaches in any and all other interest people I would like to invite you to drop by the BATCO  booth at any of the conventions coming up in January. BATCO will be at the ABCA, Mohegan Sun, and the Colorado high school clinics in January and certainly would invite you to drop by and talk baseball and softball always enjoyable pastime. 

Then if there is equipment or advice that BATCO can provide would be more than happy to do that and will have several show specials along the way.

Then BATCO is pleased to announce that its owner-- Arnald Swift-- has been nominated and will be inducted into the Colorado High School Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame on January 22 in Denver congratulations --- Arnald.

Coach Swift with late Scouting legend Julian Mock (left) and Coach Jabo Jordan (right)


Home Installs of BATCO Cages July 14 2021, 0 Comments

BATCO is been very pleased that during the pandemic and the shutdown that parents have taken on get their players best of equipment. Part of that equipment courses the batting cage and BATCO was very happy to supply the cage to individuals.  And they were such good examples I wanted to show them off. Please take a look at these two pictures from California home in the Connecticut home one East Coast. I know this cages expensive but it is a lifetime investment for sure it's not going to wear out.

Boston Massachusetts

Quincy California

BATCO News and Features November 06 2020, 2 Comments

remodel of baseball field at college in Pueblo Colorado.  CSU Pueblo, turf field, new backstop, new batting cage, new dugout netting

New Cage Install in Massachusetts June 08 2020, 0 Comments

BATCO is proud and pleased to sell complete BATCO setups to two coaches and parents in Massachusetts both were exceptional installs and worth taking a look at.

In both cases they put turf underneath it to improve the look and feel and added peripherals around it to make it look as good as it played.

I want to congratulate the coaches, parents, and most of all the players that are going to get the benefit from these installs.  They and myself both believe it's worth the time, effort and money to improve and provide for our players.

Coach Arnald Swift BATCO

New Softball Pitching Mat for Turf February 07 2020, 0 Comments

Turf softball pitching mat, movable softball pitching mat, regulation pitching rubber and nylon mat for a turf field

ABCA Coach Conferance 2020 December 13 2019, 0 Comments

Mounds, portable, pitching rubber,

NY Mets and BATCO July 08 2019, 0 Comments

Professional baseball, New York Mets, hitting cages, BATCO partnership

African Baseball Uganda March 18 2019, 0 Comments

Uganda Africa baseball furnished by BATCO and play global