BATCO Home Plate Cage New March 22 2017, 0 Comments

once again I would like to introduce and promote the BATCO home plate cage.. This cage is proving to be quite  popular, especially with the softball teams. We have sold several of them  recently to softball teams for the specific reason that girls can handle it, iit can going on and off the field through a normal gate.

I couldn't say any better than the coach down in Florida set it when he wrote me --" this cages been the best thing we ever bought, not one ball is left  the playing field into the parking lot or the road and my girls can open and close it in less than two minutes now.. We distort up against the fence until game time. It's always there during practice"

I would like to think that coach and several others from the college level down the high school that have begun using this cage and certainly enjoyed it because it is durable does what it says and easy to use..

If you would take a look at it in action on YouTube at  ---

this is a high school in Colorado it's had this cage for two years now.

Please take a look and give BATCO a call it will be worth your time if you're looking for a cage to use on the field that's easy to set up and use, put away, and move around.

Coach Arnald Swift BATCO