NEW batting cage from BATCO August 15 2017, 0 Comments
We at BATCO have been working for the last two years to create a batting cage that's easy to use, durable, and stable for on the field hitting. So that any team from youth,'s girls softball, baseball, even college teams could use.. We believe we've come up with that product and have field-tested it extensively from the college level to the youth
Please take a look at this YouTube link to see it in action and get full description. We have this cage and use from Florida to California with high schools all of which think it's exceptional because of its ease-of-use. A note of recommendation here softball teams like it especially because it goes on there feels through normal pass gate and girls can handle it, putting it any place on the field they like.
I would invite you to take a look at the YouTube
and think about it fitting your needs.
then you can see the full description on the website -
Simms TX baseball with the BATCO Home Plate Cage
Coach Arnald Swift BATCO