New Softball Pitching Mat for Turf February 07 2020, 0 Comments

BATCO has teamed up with Portolite Mound company the leader in artificial mounds with new product that has been the hit of all the recent shows. It's a full regulation softball pitching mat that has spikes in the bottom of it that adhere to turf like Velcro.

This tough nylon mat including the rubber is three-foot wide by 10 foot long with 8'6" in front of the rubber to give any pitcher a normal stride.

One of the first people to purchase this was the University of Tennessee, Coach Weekly uses it in the Fieldhouse on the turf fields for his pictures.

It is worth taking a look at if you have to move around on turf field or have need for softball pitching on a turf field as you convert field into softball. Saves both the field and give you great flexibility.