Outside Instruction December 17 2021, 0 Comments

I would like to add a little something to the question I had yesterday:  do you think it's valuable to have outside instruction at facilities, personal instructors, coaching our individual level. The answer that question in my opinion and my opinion is is my opinion after were 50 years in the game. The answer is both yes and no. It's yes if the player really wants to go it's yes if the players really willing to listen it's yes only if the player is willing to do the work outside of instruction.  There's no magic formula a player that can hit the ball cannot go to an instructor or to a camp or to the facility one or two times then all of a sudden get  the ability to hit the ball.  What all that instruction does is allow him to get the knowledge so that he can work on it correctly outside.   There is a reason players are better when they get the time from their parents, brothers sisters, friends all those things that cause  them to do the skill over and over.

Don't get me wrong if it's enjoyable and the kid wants to do it is an activity then perfect if work for you and the player then do it and enjoy it. But it won't make any difference if all you do is go once a week and never do anything outside of it.  Nothing is accomplished one day  a week has to be done consistently and often.

The saying is true we have to enjoy the journey because the destination is hard to get to and a long ways off.

Coach Arnald Swift