Ball Hits the Runner October 21 2015, 0 Comments

A ball is hit to the second baseman, he bobbles it, and the runner from first is running to second base and kicks the ball, what is the call?

There are two potential rulings on this play. The first one is that, assuming that the kicked ball was unintentional, the umpire will not call the runner out and play shall continue. However, if, in the umpire's mind, the kick was intentional, the ball is dead and the runner is out for interference.

There are several other scenarios also to consider, hits the runner before it get to the fielder. Ruling runner is out, ball is dead, and all runners return to the base they were on, batter is awarded 1st base.

Ball pass a fielder, other than the pitcher, how had a chance to field the ball and hits the runner. -- Ruling--  The ball hitting the runner is ignored and ball is live and played on as any batted ball would be.